Interviewer: A lot of people care about you, but I really want to know if there’s been anyone who’s bullied you while living overseas? Fans care about you a lot.

Zhang Li Yin:公司里的人没有欺负我过。
Li Yin: No one in the company has picked on me

Interviewer: Of course no one in your company would pick on you.

Zhang Li Yin:但是我去上学可能会有一点。
Li Yin: But when I go to school I would get picked on a bit

I: Do you remember what it was about?

Zhang Li Yin:我原来去韩国上学,我一进去,因为我去上学的时候他们学校要求戴假发,我们公司又舍不得我剪短头发,就给我戴了一个假发在头上,像一个蘑菇头那样大,去了学校里他们说,哎,这还是SM公司公司的吗?很贬我,我就特别气,第二天把假发脱了去上学。
Li Yin: I used to go to school in Korea, when I enrolled, our school had a policy that required students to wear wigs (I think she mixed up her words here.. I think she meant that students had to have short hair.. I can’t imagine a school wanting students to wear wigs 0_0), my company didn’t want me to cut my hair, so they gave me a wig to wear, it was like the shape & size of a mushroom. When I went to school, people would say, “hey, isn’t this an Sm trainee?” and they would seclude me. I was extremely angry, so the next day, I took off the wig and went to school.


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